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Grove Kids is a safe, fun environment where kids experience Jesus. All children, including infants, are taught age appropriate biblical truths. The kids' ministry focuses on studying the Bible as one complete story, rather than a collection of stories. Each lesson emphasizes that Jesus is at the center of every book of the Bible from Genesis through Revelation. Grove Kids utilizes music, toys, games, crafts, pretend play, sensory play, and nature explorations to teach Scripture and biblical concepts in an engaging way.


We welcome all kids from infant to 5th grade for Bible Study on Sunday mornings at 10:00. Infants through 3rd graders are also invited to attend extended session in the kids' department during Sunday morning worship.

Gospel Project for Kids
The Gospel Project takes kids on a chronological journey through God’s big story—the story of redemption weaved through Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation. When kids truly experience the gospel they are forever changed. It is the gospel, not good behavior, that transforms hearts. The gospel changes everything.
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